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Indian Digital Media Industry Foundation (IDMIF)

General Undertaking by the Applicant Company

  • I/We shall abide by the Memorandum & Articles of IDMIF and any other Rule, Regulation or bye-laws of IDMIF or any directive of the Board or any directive/advisory of any IDMIF Committee.
  • I/We shall abide by Code of Ethics and Content Self-Regulation Guidelines, as may be laid down by the Board from time to time.
  • I/We undertake to pay the entrance and the annual subscription fee and any other fee as may be levied by the Board from time to time.
  • I/We shall inform IDMIF in case of any change, in the name of the Company or its Digital platform or its nature of business or its Constitution or its Board of Directors or its ownership structure etc. within seven days of such change.
  • I/We shall not nominate any employee of the applicant company, who has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude or against whom any criminal case/disciplinary action is pending, to any of the Committee of IDMIF.
  • I/We shall not publish or permit to be published, in any newspaper or circular or otherwise, any information relating to the IDMIF to mislead its members and/or the public in general.
    I/We shall not disclose, directly or indirectly, any information prohibited under the Articles or any Rules, Regulations or Bye-laws of the IDMIF or by an order of the Board.